1. Play with props: banyakkan menggunakan props kalau kita ni jenis kaku, and kurang pandai pose. pose tu akan bantu cantikkan gambar. and menampakkan gaya bersahaja. kasut pun boleh jadi props ok? hee hee
2. but then, harus di ingat, not too much!untuk whitestudio prewedding 4 to 5 props should be more than enough, considering the time-frame is less than 2 hours,kan?
3. communicate with the photographer, tell them untuk apa props itu, imaginasi pose bagaimana yang ada dalam fikiran anda. and how you want to act with all the props.
4. not to forget, senyum. or laugh. give ur senyuman paling ikhlas.walaupun time tu fikiran tengah kusut dengan segala jenis masalah. for 2 hours.. lupakan sekejap..and senyum sepuas-puasnya...
5. be bold! use outstanding colors. nama pun whitestudio kan, definitely everything will be white. so pilih lah warna-warna yang menaikkan seri ceria. 100% contra dengan white...my
6. cuba tampilkan karektor anda dalam satu/dua photo. kalau lebih pun ok!
7. last, have fun! enjoy it to the max
8. and what most important, choose the right photographer, how can we know hes the right one or not? base on his portfolio u can do the judgment. rajin-rajinkan diri to go through his portfolio, tengok dia jenis suka tangkap gambar yang bagaimana. whether hes creative, moments, candid, natural or etc. a good photographer is someone who can listen to what you want, and elaborate it to what you imagine. and jangan malu to seek for helps from people yang betul-betul tau pasal photography. these type of people are able to judge the quality of the photo.insyaAllah. and terimalah kritikan/pendapat orang lain seadanya. jangan pulak dah mintak pendapat, then condemn kata orang jealous pulak. susah lah camtu kan? :p

paling gediks please gmbr ko kat bwh tu :p
ReplyDeletegood tips :)
ReplyDeletetgh pondering nak ke tidak tunang i buat pre wedding ni.ongkos nya lagi dong.hihi
thanks dear for sharing. btw, ur color seriously naikkan all the piccas.
ReplyDeletee saya suka tips psal jgn pakai warna putih! mmg korang giler naik dalam gambar! mmg korang la tumpuan mata ni bila tgk. nice one!
ReplyDeletehow sweet..