photographer: creativelitebox
you can contact Faezah to set for appoinment 019-2832820.
price very very reasonable. rm200 per session.
make up: done by winnie from Jantzen Salon Alamanda
rm60 for day makeup, and additional rm20 for eyelashes.
theme: country look
presenting to YOUUUUUU.

highly recommended!!
you can contact Faezah to set for appoinment 019-2832820.
price very very reasonable. rm200 per session.
make up: done by winnie from Jantzen Salon Alamanda
rm60 for day makeup, and additional rm20 for eyelashes.
theme: country look
presenting to YOUUUUUU.
sayang sweetnye.. ish buat iqa rasa tak sabar2 plak..hehehe
ReplyDeletecantekkkkk... =)
ReplyDeleteberbaloi lah, u!!!
suwit! =) terasa nak wat pre wed gak haha sweet..rasa mcm nak nikah balik..haha
ReplyDeleteSuperbbbb sangat. Luv it. Was actually been thingking about getting Creativelitebox punya videography package. Hari tu tengok edited video diorang. Cantik.
ReplyDeletesuka sgt korang pakai outfit yg bukan putih. dalam gambar, memang sgt naik!
ReplyDeleteweee.murah.berangan jugak nk ade pre wed hihi. awak ni cun lah ;p
ReplyDeletethanks all~
ReplyDeletesangat cantik..the price sgt ok ;) boleh buat photography untuk my baby nih
ReplyDeletenk tanya.
ReplyDeletekat mana beli colorful umbrella?
cntik !!!!
so lovely lah!! chantek.... nak jugak!!! hahahaha.... owh btw, harga pun sangat reasonable.
ReplyDeleteafira, sokong! selagi harga belum naik!hihi.
dear, payung tu studio tu punya. hehe.
berbaloi amy. xkn menyesal punye
sgt cantek..rase mau bt post wed..tiihihih....price pun not bad..
ReplyDeletekamu nmpk chumil... =)