sebab aku sakit perut, i was a bit late. and tak berapa ready untuk keluar when he arrived at my apartment. he was waiting almost 15minutes or lebih? sorila MF, kalau tak kerana sakit perut, konpem dah on time.hehe. i texted him. meh la naik kereta saya, while i was ready in the car. he replied, bawakla kereta keluar. bukan jauh sangat nk bawak kereta keluar, tapi my reply was short.."tamo.."
tak lama lepas tu, nampak MF menapak masuk ke arah kereta aku. hahaha... then he was a bit shock, haha.sebab aku letak hadiah atas kerusi pemandu. aku tak pernah buat camni oke..memang loser kannnn??then die sengih2..hehehe..i hope he likes it.
we headed to our new house, yang masih under construction. saje nk pergi show house, ukur katil bilik master. haha, memang takde kerja kan. bcoz i planned to buy quilt set utk rumah kitorang nnt, and nak katil sebijik size tu.haha.perempuan saiko. alang-alang terus ukur size wet kitchen, size wardrobe bilik master. senang nak beli barang nnt.i heard, rumah akan siap bulan lima, and ready to handover bulan 8.. huwaaa...tertinggal la rumah tu kosong sementare tunggu bln 2 next year.ape bole buat..oh, BTW, rumah contoh is open for sale, with price 490K. kalau ade duit, memang aku nak. dah la corner lot. bole camping tgh2 padang nnt sambil tengok bulan bintang..matahari xla, panas kan.. :p
then pergi mid valley.coz robinsons is having sales. harusla aku yang terkinja-kinja nak membeli. dapatla 1 pair of wedges dengan sales 50% + 40%..and kami meneruskan hunting barang hantaran.. survey-survey dulu handbag for me, and jam tangan for him...only will start buying bulan lima macam tu kot..
sempat tau pergi survey backpack for travelling. we made a promise, akan travel bersama-sama once we are married. hehehe... siap berangan nak buat tabung melancong macam dalam movie UPs..
i miss this little kiddo. nakal gile die ni.
he was so cute (with attitiude!), aku pakse die cium pipi aku... die tamo korang tau. tak tau agaknye his aunty ni hawt org nye..selepas dipaksa.. die tetap tamo. i used reverse saikologi, amek gambar ini, dan tunjuk pada die.. die tengok, dan terussssss cium pipi ku. hahaha
how cute ur character...
2nd time i did... it doesnt work anymore... cet!!!
ur fiance looks so familir. i dont know where but he does look awfully familiar.
ReplyDeleteseriously?? hahaha. cube igt betol2 nahwal..haha..mayb pelanduk 2 3 serupa kot. hoho.