remember my prev post, said about ke-dilemaan ku, kini sudah berakhir.
i did some survey, and i end up picking her as my MUA. my criteria is simple, that person must be 'xxx' and has a good portfolio of her wedding make over. i hope she can turn me into gorgeous look. please dont break my heart...
why this early? i texted her yesterday,
"dah ada orang book akak untuk thn depan?"..
"yes, 5 feb..."
oh.i definately terkedu. memang dekat-dekat dengan my wedding date.ohh..ape lagi, balik kerja terus masukkan deposit. hehehe...
she will be doing my nikah, reception and his bertandang(yet to confim). and i'm a bit glad knowing that i can cross MUA from my list.
have i done enough of survey?
i think so. hiks, at least i did some. walaupun banyak yang i tak go direct to the person, but throughout sharing & caring by other bloggers, it helped me a lot.THANX!..hehe..and of course, im a person who always tie to budget. and i can compromise on almost everything, but not my budget.. salahkan budget ku yang ciput, dan kemalasan diri menabung dari awal..huhu...
should i rebranding my blog and name it as "si bajet bride" hahahah
kenapa semua ambil dia?
back to basic. budget girllsssss.... 3 sessions altogether dapat murah sikit! hehe
sedikit sebanyak
i have started doing survey since june last year. when huda is planning her wedding, and ayu is deciding to get married, there come my part to busy body around. hehe. i sent her email, she quoted me the price. so ever since that, i keep my eyes close to her works, and so far nampak semua ok. hope she will be doing well & with full heart during my time later.
some of u might know who is 'she' already by looking at these photos rite? hehehe.. ;)
and nahwal, good knowing that u have pick one for u as well. . semoge smuenye lancar okeh. ;)