thanks AYU, for uploading my photo on her blog. Tak pernah ada gambar kami bertiga camni. hehe...suke..
hate that i have no time to update about Ayu's wedding.. a lot of wedding on dec + jan, bro's wedding on january, no more disk space on laptop, no internet connection at new house,...haihhh....and i also dont feel good to update lebih-lebih pasal her wedd, padahal masa tu tuan punya badan pun tak story apa-apa lagi di blognya...
and now shes pregnant, i still tak story lagi.
BTW dear, if u read this. i'm always happy for what u went thru these few months
kahwin-pregnant-soon to be a mommy.
i'm away.. lefted behind.hahah...
CONGRATZ Ayu. Mwahhhh!~
p/s: i like the photo above, we two were looking at the same side, and melangkah dengan kaki yang sama. hahaha....pe maknanye tu???**bajet**
hate that i have no time to update about Ayu's wedding.. a lot of wedding on dec + jan, bro's wedding on january, no more disk space on laptop, no internet connection at new house,...haihhh....and i also dont feel good to update lebih-lebih pasal her wedd, padahal masa tu tuan punya badan pun tak story apa-apa lagi di blognya...
and now shes pregnant, i still tak story lagi.
BTW dear, if u read this. i'm always happy for what u went thru these few months
kahwin-pregnant-soon to be a mommy.
i'm away.. lefted behind.hahah...
CONGRATZ Ayu. Mwahhhh!~
p/s: i like the photo above, we two were looking at the same side, and melangkah dengan kaki yang sama. hahaha....pe maknanye tu???**bajet**
ReplyDeletehahhaa..kene mintak royalti ni...lol...
ReplyDeleteaah..this year Alhamdulillah everything goes smoothly...mula2 rezeki kahwin -dapat baby..
now rezeki baby - thareq dpt post senior..
hehe..Alhamdulillah sgt...
Nnt dee pn akan rasa perubahan positive dlm hidup after kahwin.. percayalah...=)
gudluck in your preparation!
royalti?? hahaha....banyakla dee kene claim dgn ayu cmtu. :p
wah,thareq dah naek jadi senior. gile cepat. gud2...congratz to him. rezeki baby la ni...insyaAllah,harap-harap semuanya smooth jugakla.
umah korang dah pasang lom tenet?kitorng berabad lagi...haihhh....