i'm about to pay my MUA the deposit.. tapi.. pelamin decorator masih tak reply email.
i need her to get back to me as soon as possible. so that i can plan on my budget... and boleh adjust wheres possible..biasala, aku memang berkira-kira dalam segala sudut, especially tang duit.. malas nak ulang-ulang banyak kali.hehe..kesimpulannya memang
kedekut suka berjimat cermat. hoho
something sweet & simple like this for nikah..

kaler pink camni pun cantik. but for nikah, my vote goes to tiffany blue. cuba lagi ya cik pink..hehe.. lupa from where i took this.sorry.

oh, i really heart this...

i heart this even more......
p/s: oh pelamin deco, reply my email plzzzzz.......
no 1 sgt sweet utk nikah..
ReplyDeleteall designs look nice.hehe.i prefer no1 and no4.nampak menarik n simple.xla penuh sgt deco nya.hihi.
ReplyDeletewah u dh stat nk bbok pelamin ek..
ReplyDeletetgk pada wedding ticker tu u lg 11 bln..i lg 10 buln..huhu..
i vote for the last one! cantik sgt! =)
ReplyDeletevote for the last one!! soo sweet!! 1st pic pun comey, just change the color.. sure meletop! :) terasa nk naik pelamin lg sekali laa.. :(
ReplyDeleteryna, yups. sweet sgt tuk nikah.
me tooooooo... kan kite serasi! hakhak, thanks coz meninggalkan jejak :)
hehe, not yet.still survey and ask for quotation.hehe.
cantik banget kan...sgt exclusive to me.
perhaps nnt i pun akan rase mcm u dear..sekarang makin lama makin cantik design...huuu~ harge pun makin mahal, tu yang tak suke tu. hehe