Wednesday, November 18, 2009


hari tu pergi recee alternative way to our future house. since highway will cost us rm3.00 for one we decided to recee alternative way with guide by one of my officemate.

good point, we managed find a way to reduce some cost for toll, and it is not that far from kalau ikut jalan dalam. but, jalan dalam ni kurang maintenance, there were some parts lampu takde lagi. which a bit gelap and sunyi lah kalau lalu malam-malam.and lubang sikit-sikit. so for case like this, driving malam-malam, mayb it shouldnt be tolerate with my safety. but deep inside, i prayed jalan tu akan bertambah baik when we move-in in future.

i was totally suprised to see my own house dah naik. seriously tak percaya. last visit September macam tu, hanya phase 1 yang diorang tengah pasang bumbung...mine, phase 2, at the back takde apa-apa lagi.hehe..

walaupun sakit hati dengan perjalanan beli rumah ni, tapi sedikit lega bila tengok rumah dah naik. harap semuanya berjalan lancar.amin. the one in green adalah phase 1. ;)

alang-alang dah sampai sana, we pay some visit to the show house. tengok 1000x pun tak puas lagi..

our biggest problem in future,and have yet to find the solution..

nampak tak betapa tingginya syiling dia. huuuu~
ayu & mai suggested to build some kind of loteng dekat situ. BUT, roughly the cost is around 50K..
tak koser okay! hahaha....memang cantik, but dont have enough fund for that yet.