i'm now doing some sort of survey on baju reception design..tak tahu nak request design macam mana nanti from Kak Wawa. Aku belum ada the right design lagi. Mayb bole bawak all my google's collection patch sana sini, and give it to her untuk merealisasikan...Yang buat aku teruja dengan gambar di atas is actually, baju pengantin lelaki.
segak 10times, ok!
so MF please take note on ur dietry. miahahahah :P
takla.takla. MF suka idak baju lelaki itu? ;)
ok gudnyte all....
p/s: ive been busy these days, pertama kali lupa bayar semua bills and evrything is over due already. whatever. aku suka bizi2 camni..cepat sikit masa berlalu...cameon...cepatlah tinggal 1 hari lagi... over ok.hahaha
hi dear...i love the color!!! sweet!!!
ReplyDeleterajin2 selak majalah sure dpt baju idaman
ReplyDeleteHi durruz, my friend came across ur blog n told me ada gambar wedding i hehehe
ReplyDeleteso ni i nak mintak duit royalti ;p
meh la datang visit my blog n exchange link, if nak read more on the wedding itself gi kat link ni eh
ReplyDeletechantekkan... kaler die menambat hati. BTW, do u have blog? coz tgk ur profile, i couldnt find yours.
bolela kite xchange.
miss nona,
bole request kat azika ni ;)
hahaha.i curi gmbr u. but seriously u look gorgeous. x ubah cm rozita che wan. memule i tgk, i thot rozita che wan yg tawen. hehehe...i link u kay ;)