Wednesday, May 26, 2010

cantik yang subjektif

tak boleh expect kau suka apa yang aku suka.
tak boleh expect aku suka apa yang kau suka.

ternyata kita individu yang berbeza.

yang menilai dari sudut yang berbeza.
yang paham dari arah yang berbeza.

yang memang totally tak sama!

BUT, i am open for discussion and point of views.

Kursus Kahwin P16

We went to Kursus Kahwin few weeks back. tak sempat nak story, so here some..

Hari tu kitorang pergi kursus kahwin masih satu hari setengah. sabtu 1/2 day, ahad full day...takde pun qiam seperti yang di uar-uarkan... mayb belum start..

kursus kahwin tu dekat precint 16, belakang alamanda, belakang petronas. every wknd ada. mana2 b2b & g2b yg belum pergi tu silalah pergi..there were so many inputs yang menarik. sebaiknya pergilah dengan pasangan, so kita tau and sama-sama belajar dengan dia..fahami dan hayati tanggungjawab masing-masing dan bertoleransi. walaupun nafkah tanggungjawab suami, sebagai isteri kenalah tolong meringankan beban...jangan duit saya duit saya.duit awak duit saya... ini isu paling penting lah selain kepentingan pembentukan sebuah keluarga muslim yang sejati...

sepanjang kursus tu oklah, cuma tengahari ahad tu ngantuk sikit.. tapi all penceramah were fun and full with jokes, cuma tengahari ahad kurang sikit. tapi still..OKAY. overall tak seseram yang aku bayangkan. serius memula tu siap berdebar-debar. kotla ustaz panggil baca-baca ayat dekat depan... dari tau, terus lupa sebab nervous sangat...Dewan kuliah pun selesa, bukan macam tutorial class room yang pastinya.. :P

tapi..tapi....ada sikit kekurangan... food dia... cawan minuman agak comot. yang macam baru masuk lumpur punya cawan. memang tak lalu lah nak minum...permukaan air yang berminyak, memang mati lah selera. time-time tu jugak...

so, siapa rajin boleh bawak bekal...ok. tu sahaja. penat, nak rehat... daa~

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Guideline: Right photographer!

This is call try your best, and try your luck!. who knows, i might be the lucky one. =)

i am left with roughly 10days from the closing date... hurm... sangatlah suntuk bukan?

anyhow, lets just back to the topic. i guess several times i mentioned to you that i need to find someone who can capture the right moments, can capture candid, right colors..yada.yada..well, i found him!!! *big grin*

why him?

lets get back to the track, why personally you choose a photographer...

always keep in mind there are 4 approaches to wedding photography: TRADITIONAL, CREATIVE, ILLUSTRATIVE, and PHOTOJOURNALISM.

traditional: basically macam group portraits of the family,bridal groom,candids, the event itself. from the moment you see the photo, u already knew it. this is wedding photo!
creative: mind ya, it is not easy to be creative. one must have guts to see things differently, and convey it differently...contoh macam, make use of angles.. nak terbaring, tergolek, lantak! janji gambar cun... hehehe.
illustrative: mampu membuatkan gambar tu nampak so realllll.... ada WOW factor tersendiri. penuh dramatis.. kalau tengok boleh meleleh lah air mata...every details captured correctly, u can even feel the moments walaupun hanya tengok pada album..

photojournalism: non-posed photo. gambar semua ditangkap without awareness of this case, ofcourse bride and groom...

my fave among all!

this is somehow a guidance for me to choose my photographer...and i finally found him..he come with complete package with above mentioned criteteria.*big grin*

he is none other, but SHUTTERSPEAK

Click on the link and contact them nooowwwwww! you wont regret a single penny of it! yap!

so, why wait??? BE WISE , choose correctly!

to Suhaimi Ismail and Zaidan Zainuddin, how much i wish u can be my photographer of the day....hehehe~

p/s:i hope what guide me..can guide u as well...take care readers!~

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

cincin untuk dia...

a little bit of our progress,

we purposely went to Mines, semata-mata nak tempah cincin for him. Akulah, always in rush on everything. oh, actually no. i prefer to settle everything earlier. so at the end of the day, aku boleh senyum lebar sambil ulit bantal peluk...

i told MF to look for any design he likes. but this guy, still stick to the one yang dia tengok dulu-dulu. memang kelakarkan. taste tak berubah. love at the first sight layankan sahaja...last post on his wedding band

for him, just a normal wedding band with solitaire diamond will do, and fine for us. he insisted on solitaire, coz he bought one for me as well. last time when we bought wedding ring for me, ada nyonya cincin tu cakap, solitaire is actually very special. u only give to someone special in ur life&heart..lebih kurang macam solitaire=one=u r the only one. camtu lah lebih kurang.

sekadar hiasan.

so because of that, dia juga nak solitaire!!? i find he is cute guy, and sentiasa memberi perhatian pada benda-benda macam ni, but sometimes tak. hohoho.

we bought Platim from GoldHeart: a mixture of platinum and sterling silver.

i paid 50% of the ring price, and its ready to be collected somewhere in August. Lebih kurang 3 bulan dari sekarang.We opted for new ring yang fresh and purposely made for him...oh ya, the price sudah naik roughly rm200 from the date we both saw it at Mid Valley. No point of waiting, nanti price beza gedebuk 500 boleh nangis dibuatnya...

nanti, August kami datang balik. bring along my ring. untuk ukir something at the back of the ring. tak tau lagi nak tulis apa. mayb both of our name...that SA told me he will do for me..FOR aku memang ingat sangatlah bab-bab free ni... jangan ingat aku lupe! for MF, he will do for free, of course...!! since MF bought my wedding ring @ habib. kami rasa bagus sangatlah kalau aku punya pun freeeee~

nanti nak suruh dia polish sekali lah, boleh?? hantar kasi wax!hahahah.
*bawak sekali rantai tangan, kasi polish...wahh,chantek ke???*

hukum cincin bagi lelaki bole klik sini

bukan apa, kalau tanya SA, habis semua dia bantai boleh.. =)

Friday, May 14, 2010

potential photographer 1

we went to meet our potential photographer yesterday at TTDI.

the price was not so good, seriously 1500 beyond our budget. to hire or not to hire. i love his style. he is good at capturing moments. not everybody punya skill macam ni...i even highlight that, i dont want his partner to replace him, it must always be him. :P

gile saiko kan. aku memang camni. i can tolerate on almost everything about my wedding. but not wedding photo.. so this part is crucial to me. i will analyze every single photo..ok cantek.cantek. ok buruk.buruk. that is me..kalau bagi pasal mekap, aku memang surrender tak tau. tapi mane yang nampak cantik and natural di mata aku. tu yang aku pilih. bagi pelamin decorator, akak, saya nak bunga kembang semangkuk. akak bole buat x? *let us see the result masa wedding aku nanti*
Baju pun sama.. memang aku kisah yang tak kisah sangat kot. sebab aku tak berapa tau...jarum jenis apa ko nak pakai jahit baju aku...pakai la... asal siap...

tapi photog lain. kamera apa ko guna? *fullframe tak.oh tak.tak pe*. lens ko cukup tak.. ada ye semua..macro,wide, telephoto,prime and etc? *ade..bagus!* ..and consistent tak performance dia as photog.

bila kami sampai, sample album dia xready lagi. so i cannot judge much. sebab monitor color lain sikit dari printing color. he promised to give me a call when the album is ready. sabar jelah..kena datang lagi. but next time we will bring Ayah along. tengok apa kata Ayah..

if we still want to proceed... lets just recalculate everything. re-budget on every single thing...meantime, before akhir june ni, we need to have our own decision. and cari photog yang setanding but murah sikit.... huuuuu~

kalau korg tau sapa lagi yang good in capturing moments and candid (selain nama-nama besar yg dah femes tu)..let me know ok?

ok,bye. nak bersiap g kursus kahwin. hehe =)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wedding Umi Khalsum

Boleh tengok sini,

Wedding highlight

sangat-sangat cantik.with all the details..perfecto!


hari ni call satu famous photog ni,

tanya berapa price 1 sesi, 2 sesi...3 sesi...*dalam hati..mahalnyeee*

"berape hour ye coverage u?" tanya lagi, nak tau.kate customer kan...

"macam nilah, u isi enquiry form dalam website i, nnt staff i reply ok"

hek eleh... alang-alang ko dah angkat phone tu jawab jela pacik... bukan patah pun gigi jawab soklan aku kan...lain kali letak no phone staff kat hotline kay, ko xpenat jawab soklan aku..aku pun xdela buang duit call ko...


agaknye die dengar suara aku bergetar-getar bila dengar harga, so dia xrasa aku potential customer...

Monday, May 10, 2010

cotton bed sheet.

i'm officially broke now.

its still early of may, but i am busy counting for the next payday.

dengarnya, ramai lagi yg broke. hehe... so aku tak kesunyianlah dalam menghitung hari. :P

i went to Jakel Shah Alam last weekend. Its only 10 minutes from my house, tapi hanya sekarang baru nak pergi. tu pun sebab on saturday my parents called ajak pergi usha-usha Jakel, sebab dorang dah ade kat sana. Since i was still at my rumah bujang, 45 minutes tunggu aku sampai, mahu Ayah boring dekat i decided, tak pelah.lain kali jelah..

its so happen that 'lain kali' aku tu adalah esoknya. haha.

selepas makan-makan, ayah drop me n my little bro dekat Jakel. dia and mak refuse to go. tunggu dalam kereta aje. sebab segan datang Jakel hari hari kot. i told them, takde sapa lah perasan dorang dah datang semalam. tapi still, tak mau. i was not in the mood. so just masuk, and have a look. cramp with people..ramai..sampai terlanggar-langgar..

since we are there already, ajak adik pergi tengok sampin. no-no-no...memang tiada yang aku berkenan. tak ikut kaler theme pulak tu. walaupun lately MF bising, tamo sampin tiffany blue. sebab susah sangat nak jumpa. tapi dengan hikmat kesaktian perawan, aku berjaya pujuk. sabalah dulu ye MF, nanti kite jumpa lah! :P

so bila nak balik, aku ternampak set bed sheet. they asked me the budget. selamba jawab, 500 la kak..actually tiada budget specific pun for this.i dont know, aku memang tak rasa cantik pun yang dia tunjuk tu...yang ni 400..yang ni 350... hurm, geleng-geleng. die ni saje tau, sorok stok yang cantik-cantik agaknya.kuikuikui..

so aku jalan ke katil sebelah...belek-belek, i fall in love with the one yang ada dekat situ. masa tu, suiz pertimbangan off kejap. called mak, and mak cepat-cepat datang. ayat umpan aku. MAK,SALES MAK...50% OFF!!

im looking for something that can fit both size bed frame.queen or king. and akak tu cakap yang ni boleh. tahla. aku pun kurang paham camne, tapi aku sebat jelah. asalkan it suits what i need and cantik kat mata dengan gembiranya suruh adik bawak. hohoho.

Ayah asked how much is the price... and selamba je jawab aku kena tipu... masa tu gewam!gewam!gewam!he refused to go in and check on the item and sekarang cakap kitorang dah kena tipu. tsk.tsk.

sampai rumah, i quickly showed him the thing, and ask, kena tipu tak?

dia terus headed to his room, and say tak..tak kena tipu...*malas nak layan aku agaknya*

while watching berita @tv3 that nite, i overheard my parents conversation. Ayah tanya, betul ke harganya tu...Mak replied, 100% cotton. an egyptian cotton. fullstop.

OK ayah akhirnya mengalah and agree egyptian cotton is a bit pricey ..sonok. dah takde kisah kena tipu dah!yehoooooooo!

p/s:i love both of my parents, my grandma too. they are all sweet people who love me in their own sweet ways. =)

Ya Allah, kasihanilah ibu bapa, dan wan ku seperti mana mereka mengasihani aku ketika aku kecil.Amin....

image google. tak sempat nak amik gambar dia. lebih kurang macam ni, off white color. =)

sudah meet vendor khemah. next to update! cyaaaa~!!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

conflict:baju nikah

actually aku dah ada design sendiri untuk baju nikah. dah jumpa pun orang yg sesuai untuk jahitkan...kain pun dah beli u'oll

and akak tu pun so nice in exchange idea wif me. harga pun affordable.

tapi tahla, sebab aku masuk and campur aduk part-part yang aku berkenan. and jadilah dia satu design yg aku kira cantiklah ikut imaginasi aku.

and hari ni aku terfikir, will it turn into a nice outfit????..

ke aku akan menjerit menggila nnt. yelah, baju dah siap time tu, takkan pulak ade 2nd thought. tamo pakai baju tu.

self conflict btol... shud i , shud i not?

kalau tamo, which one shud i sacrify. the lace. or the beaded chiffon silk.

matikla camni kalau ape aku nak tak jadi.....

ok.aku adalah tak boleh mengada-ngada. somebody.please convince me.....

p/s: drama queen mode.

baju tantek di sexy mall...

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

oh cantiknyaa..

i'm now doing some sort of survey on baju reception design..tak tahu nak request design macam mana nanti from Kak Wawa. Aku belum ada the right design lagi. Mayb bole bawak all my google's collection patch sana sini, and give it to her untuk merealisasikan...Yang buat aku teruja dengan gambar di atas is actually, baju pengantin lelaki.

segak 10times, ok!

so MF please take note on ur dietry. miahahahah :P

takla.takla. MF suka idak baju lelaki itu? ;)

ok gudnyte all....

p/s: ive been busy these days, pertama kali lupa bayar semua bills and evrything is over due already. whatever. aku suka bizi2 camni..cepat sikit masa berlalu...cameon...cepatlah tinggal 1 hari lagi... over ok.hahaha

Monday, May 3, 2010


always remember not to under estimate people...kadang-kadang some people dont talk about wht they have, not because dia xde. tapi die ade yang lebih baik. if kamu mahu rasa u've got everything, and tiada tandingan. then go ahead!! aku sikit pun tak kisah.and stop comparing, sebab aku memang tak dapat bertanding dengan kau pun. and i dont find any single reason pun why u shud compare urself wif me. because in the end, im the one who got nothing, and u r the one who have got everything.kan?

so why compare? nothing!!

just stay away from me..

p/s: emotionally distracted these days.bye!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Petals carpet ;)

i was looking for wedding theme colors. but bumped into this.

y not kalau ada extra money, =)

kalau aku nak macam ni.konpem mak menjerit kat telinga..haha

BTW, cute kan floral bag flower girls pegang tu =)

p/s: true. aku memang takde wedding theme lagi, except for majlis nikah.hehe.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Pelamin Decorator done!

Yes. yes. i'm so happy. finally i can cross pelamin decorator for reception from preparation list. might as well cross baju reception and baju bertandang. sebab semua amek dari dia aje. heehee. suke ok!

i first met her at pameran pengantin last week. sekejap aje pergi not even 30 minutes pun, pergi dengan mak sebab datang nak kutip pamplet banyak-banyak. pukul 5 dapat parking, 5.30 balik to fetch ayah dekat airport. and this pelamin decorator was the last person i met that day. i was attracted to kerusi and pelamin kecik dia buat at her booth. so quickly tarik mak...

mak, nak yang ni. nak yang ni!nak macam ni. hehehe.

akak tu explain everything. and aku pulak asek cakap dekat mak..waahh..besh ni mak. mak pun asek senyum angguk2 setuju and macam sukalah dengan what she offer. promotion day was actually until 30th april aje... and i dont practise bayar booking time tu jugak. to me, aku nak pergi butik dia tengok dulu, ok ke x. only then bayar book..And akak tu extend promotion day until semalam for me. hehe. mekaseh kak!

On the way tu, mak asyik cakap ambik akak tu jelah. aku pun macam memang nak.. nak!nak! tapi biarlah dulu until aku datang butik die. ececeh.

so yesterday, i went to her boutique. butik dia dekat shj dengan Thai Steamboat dengan MF.

OK, i decided. this is the one. her PR is very good. tipulah kalau aku cakap the decision made memang totally for what she offered..memang PR die ade jugak lah mempengaruhi sikit-sikit. ;) she even let me try satu baju pengantin.

there is something inside me saying. dis is the one...i dont have any negative feelings pun masa tu. so im up for it. mudah-mudahan semuanya baik sahaja on that day nnt. Amin.

ada gambar aku try baju dia, but malu lah nak letak cni...huuhuu..