Wednesday, December 2, 2009

for her,

ini kami

Semalam we did some small celebration for Ayu.

It was planned a week before. Lucky, i was on leave on tuesday, so quickly bought balloon,cake and etc for the celebration that night.

Me and Mai met this girl @ Alamanda for Karoke. We even paw her to pay for karoke session. she was totally annoyed that time.tapi kami biarkan saja. jahatkan? the midst of session, Mai cepat-cepat cabut pergi order pizza.Ayu mengadu lapar, but we ignored her. Cakap kueh lebih meeting Mai banyak kat bilik, makan kat bilik jelah nanti. Hehe. Satu lagi perkara jahat kitorang buat, we even pakat with Dalila, cousin Ayu untuk tipu dia.hehehe... so right after karoke, aku and mai quickly go to pick up pizza. masa tu tinggalkan ayu and dalila kat belakang.janji jumpa kat bilik aje!

jahat gila...jalan laju-laju.tamo die tau plan kitorang.kecian jugak kat Ayu time tu, memang jahat la kitorng.hahaha

on the way, i keep smses dengan dalila. hahaha. suruh dia ajak Ayu pergi watson that diorang sampai lambat kat bilik...and mai pulak terpaksa la drive laju-laju.hahaha

aku and mai sampai dulu (of course!), and dapat msg dari ayu, tak jadi datang!!! haaaaa? cepat-cepat mai call and pujuk dia. haha.tau kau cuak!masa nak kenakan orang laju jek....seb baik dia datang jugak,mayb frust sebab kitorang pakat blah je lepas karok tadi la ni..hahahah.

so, supriseeeeee!

Nasib baik ada Dalila, tolong kasi kad ni bila dorang sampai dekat hotel.
muka Ayu yang terkejut.haha..supriseeeee!
naik stage untuk pakai crown.hehe..

two bestie
Queen of the day!

nyumiessss~aku and mai sebelum kejahatan bermula.hahalove~
cian mai tiup, aku tolong tengok bab2 tiup belon niiii.hehehe.

Jenny, and Dalila were so shy, tadak gambar mereka.

Selamat berkahwin Ayu.hehe~


  1. jahad korg blah mcm tu je hari tu.... tu muka terkejut paling ikhlas tu..ahaks...adeyh..neway thanks korg...terharu sgt2!!!!

    sayanggggg korgggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!11

  2. kawan farrah ek?...i ingt nak wat parti bujang tuk my close fren kat skolah seme bz..kalo i tau u kwn dia, mesti i dah pakat dgn u..huhu..dah tlambat..esok minah tu dah nak kawen...
