Friday, October 2, 2009

post rojak

such a nice and creative flowers stand. credit to the designer.

Sudah seminggu aku berdiet, rasa macam dah kurus ni (hehe,perasan!).

as advised by Mary Chia consultant:

breakfast :- 2 keping roti dengan milo, but i chose to have 2keping roti with air suam. (wahh..lawan tokey ghituu)

lunch :- reduce rice portion, half of bowl only.consume less lauk, but more sayur.tapi tewas 1 kali dek kerana fakri belanja nasi arab yg sesangattt deliciouss....

malam:- makan 2 keping roti with tuna in water (memang tasteless okay.huhu.pejam mata aje makan,kalau tengok karang mati selera pulak.huhu)

exercise for the whole week: TAK sempat. huhu. but rindu dah lama tak bersquash dengan kawan-kawan.

last week weight: 57.7KG

it's always tiffany who looks great to my eyes.
and we have decided to have tiffany element in our nikah outfit.


  1. waaa... cantik laa theme tiffany blue nie...
    memang menguatkan hati ku... untuk memilih warna ini...tq

  2. bagus jgk yer keep track weight..saya mau cuba juga!

  3. cik eja, pun semakin kuat memilih kaler ni.hehe


    jom diah!~

  4. asal kaler tu dalam blue tone
    semuanya akan jadik lawa
    biru mmg cun lah!!
    dalam gambar pun lawa..
    *pilihan yg sgt tepat*

  5. itulahhh.. tiffany blue sangat lawa..i likkeee too..

  6. hye!!...i just drop by on ur blog..nice preparation so far? btw i'm wanie n i'm getting married around 3 mths and 3weeks.and the preparation alhamdulillah still on track so far..haha! ur theme colour pun slightly same like worries, we're not gonna married in the same town aite?

    R u on diet program? wow! me consultant is my dearie best friend. i manage to lose from 59.5kg to 52.9kg in 45days(it's 45days diet program). amazingly after i finished the program, i manage to maintain my weight without diet constraint! i eat whatever i want and i maintained my weight! amazing aite?

    i'm going to do the 2nd cycle of the program without giving me any cost impact..and targetted to lose another 3-4kg.cannot lose more or i'll be too thin :)

    neway, goodluck to u!
