Ratu Hearty
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Im thinking of shutting down this blog....and move myself to a place where my identity remain unknown...goodbye!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
37 hari sebelum
im so stress. i need an assistant. huhu.
picisanchenta is hiring.
pfttt. =)
p/s:dear readers yg tinggal komen. i really appreciate it.. thank you so much. i tak sempat reply, coz im too busy for everything. huhu
picisanchenta is hiring.
pfttt. =)
p/s:dear readers yg tinggal komen. i really appreciate it.. thank you so much. i tak sempat reply, coz im too busy for everything. huhu
Monday, January 10, 2011
Senarai Vendor Yasin
Hye korang. sebelum aku terlupa, dan mengabaikan perkara ni, its better for me to share it here.
through out my survey for 1 year,i found several vendors yang ada provide servis tempahan personalized yasin. price vary from one to the other. back to your budget and own preference ok.. =)
Al Falah Publication.
- If im not mistaken price rm3.00 for pocket yasin. and minimum order is 200-300pcs. boleh call Hj Abdullah to order: 019-2155616. Buku yasin consist of almathurat, kumpulan doa-doa, and surah yasin.
-vendor dari terengganu. min order 100pcs, harga rm2.50 satu. size kecil molek, btol2 muat masuk poket. inside ada surah yasin.
- vendor dari putrajaya. min order 100pcs, harga rm2.50 satu. servis very2 fast. cepat reply. cepat deliver product.
darul nukman, wisma yakin
-price range rm4.50 kalau tak silap. bigger size, in white color. and nampak esklusif.
and another one, famous among blogger. price range rm4.50 kalau tak silap. i dah lama tanya and dah lupa...huhu.. yang ni cantik, siap ada sarung for the yasin. go for it if you can extend your budget.
p/s: gambar adalah from warna-i.blogspot.com
happy preparing all!
Sunday, January 9, 2011
status doorgift
i was away....
due to my lappy, jatuh sakit. and currently dirawat dikilang. im using h2b brand new laptop as temporary. metacehs, kita pinjam kejap ye.. tuk update blog. hohoho. hopefully the sickness is covered by insurance-motherboard rosak. bukan lcd rosak, which will cost me another rm400 to fix it.
sumpah aku angkut balik aje. no more repair. enuff headache with u. malas dah aku nak layan!
"eh, bila youuu nak kahwin...." one of my officemate tanya, aku rasa dia saja-saja usik shj.
siapa tau, aku jawab "bulan depan.....!!"
HAHA. pantas masa berlalu.
lotssss of things happened since my last update. i will try to do it slowly, post by post.
and paling penting. I LOVE MY BAJU NIKAH! tak sia-sia aku meroyan dulu, coz i get one...much much better. *atleast to my eyes, sebab aku pun yang bayarkan... :P *
far away better.
he is totally recommended!
update pasal doorgift:
hampir setiap hari aku mengusahakan benda ni. bagai tak bergerak. haha. sebab banyak sangat dan banyak steps. hehe
doorgift majlis nikah:
1. yasin dah selamat sampai last week.
2. petang tadi dah beli mini bunjut untuk isi tasbih, and small paper bag.
3. tasbih dah selamat diisi dalam small bunjut sambil tengok AJL*yawn*
4. pending: air wangi utk kasi bau pengantin and tqtag...
doorgift majlis sanding:
1. potong riben: done *metacehs girlfriends yg sgt sweet volunteer tolong
2. tebuk lubang : done *famili yg baikhati tolong.
3. mengecop: done *sampai pitam-pitam ok buat ni, kagum dengan diri sendiri. hehehe... :P
4. ikat riben and tqtag: baru 100pcs. hahaha. sempat ke ni????
ok. itu sahaja buat masa ni!
due to my lappy, jatuh sakit. and currently dirawat dikilang. im using h2b brand new laptop as temporary. metacehs, kita pinjam kejap ye.. tuk update blog. hohoho. hopefully the sickness is covered by insurance-motherboard rosak. bukan lcd rosak, which will cost me another rm400 to fix it.
sumpah aku angkut balik aje. no more repair. enuff headache with u. malas dah aku nak layan!
"eh, bila youuu nak kahwin...." one of my officemate tanya, aku rasa dia saja-saja usik shj.
siapa tau, aku jawab "bulan depan.....!!"
HAHA. pantas masa berlalu.
lotssss of things happened since my last update. i will try to do it slowly, post by post.
and paling penting. I LOVE MY BAJU NIKAH! tak sia-sia aku meroyan dulu, coz i get one...much much better. *atleast to my eyes, sebab aku pun yang bayarkan... :P *
far away better.
he is totally recommended!
update pasal doorgift:
hampir setiap hari aku mengusahakan benda ni. bagai tak bergerak. haha. sebab banyak sangat dan banyak steps. hehe
doorgift majlis nikah:
1. yasin dah selamat sampai last week.
2. petang tadi dah beli mini bunjut untuk isi tasbih, and small paper bag.
3. tasbih dah selamat diisi dalam small bunjut sambil tengok AJL*yawn*
4. pending: air wangi utk kasi bau pengantin and tqtag...
doorgift majlis sanding:
1. potong riben: done *metacehs girlfriends yg sgt sweet volunteer tolong
2. tebuk lubang : done *famili yg baikhati tolong.
3. mengecop: done *sampai pitam-pitam ok buat ni, kagum dengan diri sendiri. hehehe... :P
4. ikat riben and tqtag: baru 100pcs. hahaha. sempat ke ni????
ok. itu sahaja buat masa ni!
Thursday, January 6, 2011
pekakan telinga
dihujung preps,jangan dengar sgt komplain n ckp2 org,as if they can do any better......
Friday, December 31, 2010
Year 2010
its a schedule post readers.
its time to wrap up year 2010 and open new book for 2011. how is it feel?
gementar. and exciting.
yes, thats what i feel at the moment, knowing that im getting married in february 2011 since one year back..hearing the word 2011 can trigger me smile from ear to ear.. knowing how much im expecting you, 2011!..
oh.. sorry, this post was not meant for 2011, but 2010. hahaha!
my wish list for 2010, was none!haha.. i dont practice to have one. i recalled, i got one wish list..in 2009.. or was it 2008? haha... to some people wish lists are their drive to success, but not for me..
my last wishlist, i remember i got few items inside it. funny me.. all were about my dslr, named Mike.. his lenses, tripod, filter.. to name it. alot.. i wanted to hv a complete set of it.. i even bought dry box for Mike to sleep during off day. merata merayau mencari...i dont know. for me the wish list is killing me.. i keep wanting to fulfill it, until i realize its already beyond my capacity. so after that, i dont have one.not anymore. hakhak.
buat apa torture yourself.kan? *as for me lah*
i really hope 2011 is somethingnot about the wishlist whatsoever but me becoming his wife. insyaAllah. untuk kesabaran yang both of us curahkan sepanjang we're together. dari 6tahun lepas sehingga all the wedding preps thingy..2011, i want new sinar!
lets just hope, 2011 is something. and 2010 wasn't nothing!
my 2011 plan:
1. get married.
2. be a good wife.
3. learn new thing about investment. << style="text-decoration: underline;">
this is not my wishlist, if u understand me clearly. haha
Goodbye 2010, welcome you 2011!
its time to wrap up year 2010 and open new book for 2011. how is it feel?
gementar. and exciting.
yes, thats what i feel at the moment, knowing that im getting married in february 2011 since one year back..hearing the word 2011 can trigger me smile from ear to ear.. knowing how much im expecting you, 2011!..
oh.. sorry, this post was not meant for 2011, but 2010. hahaha!
my wish list for 2010, was none!haha.. i dont practice to have one. i recalled, i got one wish list..in 2009.. or was it 2008? haha... to some people wish lists are their drive to success, but not for me..
my last wishlist, i remember i got few items inside it. funny me.. all were about my dslr, named Mike.. his lenses, tripod, filter.. to name it. alot.. i wanted to hv a complete set of it.. i even bought dry box for Mike to sleep during off day. merata merayau mencari...i dont know. for me the wish list is killing me.. i keep wanting to fulfill it, until i realize its already beyond my capacity. so after that, i dont have one.not anymore. hakhak.
buat apa torture yourself.kan? *as for me lah*
i really hope 2011 is something
lets just hope, 2011 is something. and 2010 wasn't nothing!
my 2011 plan:
1. get married.
2. be a good wife.
3. learn new thing about investment. << style="text-decoration: underline;">
this is not my wishlist, if u understand me clearly. haha
Goodbye 2010, welcome you 2011!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
*TIPS* whitestudio prewedding

1. Play with props: banyakkan menggunakan props kalau kita ni jenis kaku, and kurang pandai pose. pose tu akan bantu cantikkan gambar. and menampakkan gaya bersahaja. kasut pun boleh jadi props ok? hee hee
2. but then, harus di ingat, not too much!untuk whitestudio prewedding 4 to 5 props should be more than enough, considering the time-frame is less than 2 hours,kan?
3. communicate with the photographer, tell them untuk apa props itu, imaginasi pose bagaimana yang ada dalam fikiran anda. and how you want to act with all the props.
4. not to forget, senyum. or laugh. give ur senyuman paling ikhlas.walaupun time tu fikiran tengah kusut dengan segala jenis masalah. for 2 hours.. lupakan sekejap..and senyum sepuas-puasnya...
5. be bold! use outstanding colors. nama pun whitestudio kan, definitely everything will be white. so pilih lah warna-warna yang menaikkan seri ceria. 100% contra dengan white...my
6. cuba tampilkan karektor anda dalam satu/dua photo. kalau lebih pun ok!
7. last, have fun! enjoy it to the max
8. and what most important, choose the right photographer, how can we know hes the right one or not? base on his portfolio u can do the judgment. rajin-rajinkan diri to go through his portfolio, tengok dia jenis suka tangkap gambar yang bagaimana. whether hes creative, moments, candid, natural or etc. a good photographer is someone who can listen to what you want, and elaborate it to what you imagine. and jangan malu to seek for helps from people yang betul-betul tau pasal photography. these type of people are able to judge the quality of the photo.insyaAllah. and terimalah kritikan/pendapat orang lain seadanya. jangan pulak dah mintak pendapat, then condemn kata orang jealous pulak. susah lah camtu kan? :p

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