Friday, October 8, 2010

Reception theme, berubah?

yahhhh.. not so long ago, i texted Kak Wa, boleh tak buat pelamin macam gini..macam gini...

dah lama i nak pelamin macam tu, but expecting the cost must be very high, i dont even dare to parents both agree dengan pelamin yang i nak...especially my mom, being so supportive. kalau orang kutuk idea aku pun, die yang pertama pertahankan, i love u mak!!!

sambung cerita Kak Wa tadi,she replied me, and say yes. i was hoping, harga masih sama. and schedule a meeting with her, and met her on last Friday.

i explained to her, how the pelamin should looks like, the seating chair, the backdrops, flowers...

and my final question, about the price?

hehe. the shocking answer. price remain!!!!.. glup... like seriously, betul ke ni????? tapi takla aku tanya kan, mampos die tak berkira terus naikkan harga, nangis time-time tu jugak...

alang-alang sampai sana, terus amik ukuran baju and sketched design baju pengantin aku dan MF. and hari selasa ni nak pergi beli kain dengan Kak Wa. tu yang seronok, bole beli sama-sama, pilih sama-sama...

but the colors remained....


  1. nk wt pelamin cmni ke durruz?bestnye dpt hrge same

  2. miss nona, almost similiar. concept same.. tapi tak sebijik..

    beshkan. harap hasilnya besh jugak. hee!

  3. chantek pelamin camtuh. tp bab2 pelamin kat kelantan agak limited skit. huhuhu...

  4. Wah, unik la your concept, mesti cantik nanti

  5. amy, itula nak import dr cni mesti lagi mahal kan. tryla survey lagi. mane tau ada yg ok...

    hopefully. i punya biasa2 aje, that photo yg grand. hehe

    hehe.mine bese aje. saje nk post yg over kat cni. hikhik
