Monday, May 3, 2010


always remember not to under estimate people...kadang-kadang some people dont talk about wht they have, not because dia xde. tapi die ade yang lebih baik. if kamu mahu rasa u've got everything, and tiada tandingan. then go ahead!! aku sikit pun tak kisah.and stop comparing, sebab aku memang tak dapat bertanding dengan kau pun. and i dont find any single reason pun why u shud compare urself wif me. because in the end, im the one who got nothing, and u r the one who have got everything.kan?

so why compare? nothing!!

just stay away from me..

p/s: emotionally distracted these days.bye!


  1. alololo dear nape ni? sabarr byk2 k

  2. some people.. u tau lah kan. cannot stop comparing. tak taulah ape masalahnye. selalu nak tunjuk die aje yg mampu, especially bab material ni. im totally annoyed n hilang sabar. =(

    thanks dear.
