haritu tengok ticker, it was about 12 months to go.. and now nearly 6 months to..how fast time flies..the feeling i had now, is just to ensure everything will be ok, and follow back all my plan..
hari ni saja-saja nak cerita pasal baju:nikah, sanding and bertandang.
baju nikah i dah hantar pada Kak Ina, and by right tomorrow should be my fitting day. but lucky i called her yesterday, and not so lucky me, baju tak siap lagi. takpe lah, atleast tau awal-awal dari penat2 drive and then kecewa. dia cakap baju dah siap, cuma kain tak siap, sebab chiffon bought last time tak cukup untuk buat flowy kain..so next week, yes! next week pergi fitting. after that, only to decide on beading, veils and etc.
macam mana ni?
baju bertandang will be some kind of kebaya labuh. ok, aku memang nak merasa semua. h2b already decided on his theme color, finally! big relief. he chose gold color, saya sangat suka! boleh pakai kebaya labuh color gold, ala-ala puteri bangsawan.

its time to lose weight, and fight for ideal shape.Go!