Thursday, July 29, 2010

once in a life time

because it will only happen once in a life time, i got to be sure everything is smooth and well prepared.

haritu tengok ticker, it was about 12 months to go.. and now nearly 6 months fast time flies..the feeling i had now, is just to ensure everything will be ok, and follow back all my plan..

hari ni saja-saja nak cerita pasal baju:nikah, sanding and bertandang.

baju nikah i dah hantar pada Kak Ina, and by right tomorrow should be my fitting day. but lucky i called her yesterday, and not so lucky me, baju tak siap lagi. takpe lah, atleast tau awal-awal dari penat2 drive and then kecewa. dia cakap baju dah siap, cuma kain tak siap, sebab chiffon bought last time tak cukup untuk buat flowy next week, yes! next week pergi fitting. after that, only to decide on beading, veils and etc.
kak ina cadangkan me to have blue beads, tapi kalau biru macam atas ni sy nak lah kak!! hohoho, nak yang nampak mahal aje... :P

i got something in mind my baju sanding. fully chiffon with some beading. hanya after bulan 10 nak tunjuk the design pada kak Wawa. i need to pay extra charge, for new set of baju bersanding. memang macam tu mana-mana pun kan. tapi deep inside, im a bit scared, my kenduri nanti dekat rumah. and insyaAllah pelamin akan di buat bawah khemah, if let say, panas yang amat terik, and im sweat macam kerbau.. what will happen to my baju?? i tamo ada peta-peta dekat baju i. that is so ugly. and dalam gambar pun boleh nampak. that day should be my day, bukan hari yang aku nampak selekeh and yukss to everyone.

macam mana ni?

something sweet like this for my bersanding. i tangkap dari Majalah Jelita, and if not mistaken, its from Arma.

baju bertandang will be some kind of kebaya labuh. ok, aku memang nak merasa semua. h2b already decided on his theme color, finally! big relief. he chose gold color, saya sangat suka! boleh pakai kebaya labuh color gold, ala-ala puteri bangsawan.

for kebaya at his side, i want something like above. cutting ala-ala V shape, tapi cam bulat sikit. tak tau apa nama dia. baju ekin pun ada kan? suka!

its time to lose weight, and fight for ideal shape.Go!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Wedding cake

cake ni kelakar ok.sabar jelah, boleh pulak ada drama sebabak atas ni. haha

its not in my 'a must have list'

but its good to have one though. 2-tier cake should be fine for me, dikelilingi oleh paper lantern deco..ouchhh.indah!

right after work i went to sugarflour at bangi, for the 2-tier cake it will cost me rm400++, fondant cake starts from rm250. so basically, even single tier sudah rm250. i did check on the design, not much they got. but they did mention they can suit your request.

for mini cake, with very simple design it starts from rm15, the more complicated it go..more you have to pay. definately!

cookies complete with batang macam lolipop and packaging is rm5 each.

so, this is my first time doing cake survey, i have no idea what is the market price. but it sounds pricey to me...

for the dummy cake, price is as much as you have to pay for the real cake. no such thing as half price. OK ADALAH BAIK AKU BELI THE REAL CAKE.AT LEAST BOLEH MAKAN.BAGILAH DEKAT SIAPA-SIAPA KAN?

i dont know, sekarang nampak kedai-kedai related to kahwin, i will sure want to stop by. atleast have a look. 5 minit pun jadi.

ok cantik
rasanya ni wedding blogger, but x ingat mana aku amek..but i really like it..

minamalis. fondant kosong, and add in ur own flowers/petals to give more impact.

Monday, July 19, 2010

lantern deco

i miss him. okay, bukan senang aku nak tulis cmni. cube cari, ade ke sebelum2 ni. betul2 rindu maknanya ni. lama ok tak keluar sama, takdela hubungan jarak jauh pun, but still...kondisi, masa, kerja selalu tak mengizinkan.

MF tanya, nak buat apa lantern paper tu... nahhh! nak buat macam ni lah MF dear oiii. cuba awak ni rajin sikit survey. hahaha. nama pun lelaki, minat ke nak survey2 benda macam, nak memudahkan kerja, post sini. kasi dia tengok. hohoho. sebab nanti kitorang argue lagi. miahahha....

ok, rindu nak pergi survey dgn MF sebenarnya. nak survey lantern. lantern. lantern. dan lantern lagi...

OK,adalah funny, i asked my chinese male teammate,

"u mesti tau kan berapa price lantern ni, bole dapat murah tak.."

die explen tatau,cos ayah dia yang beli pun selama ni. aku ingat conversation mati di situ. first, he is male, assuming he is not interested. second, memang dia tak interested lah kan?? third, why should he interested??

ok, sekali dia bagi aku link. miahahaha... kat mana nak rent bagai-bagai. pricing. some samples..

aku pun kalau orang tanya-tanya, tak rajin kot nak google benda-benda camni. hakhak. btw tq my fren ;)

tu pun kalau dia tau blog aku. haha

ok, sambung pasal lantern. aku takdelah nak buat penuh macam tu, eventho sangat sweet and comelkan, nak-nak buat dekat cake cutting pulak, mau berpinar mata photographer and videographer mayb kasi balance, each tent should have at least 5 ke...

my bestie is getting married in less than 6days, bestie since darjah enam. love yaaaa!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Videographers list


Anybody interested with the list, kindly drop ur email here.

ada 10 email macam tu fwded by Zara. So i will fwd to u guys in one go.

dont forget, drop ur email here!

p/s:dah sent.check it out! =)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

lagi satu boleh cross....videographer

done with photographer hunting,

we proceed to the next level, videographer. at first we thot having a simple touch of nikah session will be more than enuff for us. videography just for the sake of having "aku terima nikah.." recorded..

and can be played 1juta kali pun kalau mahu!

our requirement is simple. and i browse thru email sent by Zara (thank you so much darling!) she helped me a lot by forwarding all the quotations she got!. seriously, thank you so much.really appreciate it. =)

and my survey continoued...until last Monday i google-ed for 'dslr videography'

we met him last nite, to see some sample with our own eyes..dan sengaja nak kenal siapa orangnya..

they are using HD cams, and of course the outputs are undeniable damn beautiful and sangat WOW! aku adalah jahat sedikit, sebab leka watching the videos, sampai tak dengar apa dia cakap. hakhak.

ok, cukup. they go beyond our requirement. so here, seal the deal. wink.wink.

nak reveal ke tamo?ok segan jap... *tak memasal*

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


dear readers..

lamanya rasa tak berbloging..tak menulis. dan tak membaca blog orang. been so busy... balik rumah terus tidur. tiada daya nak on laptop pon...gilo!

my routine has been so pack. daily work up to 7 or 8pm. then straight shoot gym for 2 hour session.balik cooling down by melayan televisyen.

a lot ..lot..lot...of things i wish to share. tapi nak tekan keyboard pun tiada energy,

macam mana??

*yang ni energy force dari dalam.kuikui*

till the next update. i really wish i got time.... for blogging.

p/s: sudah ketemu videographer. wink.wink. kite sukaaaa youuuuuu!~